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Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Run for the Trees Terms and Conditions

Please read these Ts&Cs thoroughly before agreeing to them. You will need to agree to these Ts&Cs to confirm and accept your place on the Run for the Trees fundraising team if you are chosen.

1. In this role you will act as a representative for the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum (the Friends), Charity no. 293190. This means that we expect you to always behave appropriately when advocating for the arboretum. We will not tolerate rude, abusive, or inappropriate behaviour towards others in either a physical or digital environment. We reserve the right to remove you from the Run for the Trees team if you display inappropriate behaviour or a report is made against you.

2. The Westonbirt 10K is a Forestry England event and is run and managed by the Westonbirt Forestry England events team. As a participant of the Westonbirt 10K race you are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Westonbirt 10K race as stated by Forestry England to all 10K participants. This includes, that you must be 16 years or over to take part in the Westonbirt 10K.

3. If you are successful in your application to join the Run for the Trees fundraising team, we will need to share your contact information with the Westonbirt Forestry England event team to register you for the event and provide you with your ticket and accompanying information. Your information will only be used to contact you with information regarding the Westonbirt 10K event.

4. If you are successful in your application to join the Run for the Trees fundraising team, you will be contacted from time to time by Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum staff. This will include a monthly check-in email to help keep your fundraising and training on track and occasional marketing and communications asks as detailed in point 11 of these Ts&Cs.

5. If you have any complaints or feedback please direct them through the proper channels. If you have any feedback about the Run for the Trees fundraising process please contact the Fundraising Manager directly. You will be invited to take part in a formal feedback survey at the end of the event.

6. Any fundraising you undertake on behalf of the Friends must be legal, open, honest and respectful (check out our guides for suggested ideas, if in doubt check in with the Friends’ Fundraising Manager for guidance).

7. Your place on the Run for the Trees fundraising team is guaranteed on the condition that you make every possible effort to achieve an individual fundraising target of £250 for the Friends. We’ve put together a selection of guides that will help you get started, as well as a supporter group on Facebook to connect with your fellow team mates to share ideas and cheer each other on. If you are having difficulties in achieving this target you should contact the Friends' FundraisingManager for advice.

8. If you are successful in achieving your individual fundraising target of £250 you will automatically be guaranteed a Run for the Trees fundraising space in the following year’s 10K (subject to Forestry England approval). In this situation, you will be approached by the Friends directly, in advance of tickets going on sale.

9. If for any reason you are no longer able to take part in the Westonbirt 10K and need or want to drop out of the Run for the Trees team please alert the Friends' Fundraising Manager as soon as possible. Your space will be offered to the next highest scoring applicant and you will not be able to change your mind once you have made this decision. You cannot transfer your place to another individual.

10. In order to fundraise successfully for this event, we expect you to share your Westonbirt story, training journey and fundraising activities with your networks. This could be via social media, word of mouth or any other route. It would really help if you share your social media username/handle/name so that we can follow and share your training and fundraising journey.

11. From time to time, we’ll want to write some blogs and introduce our Run for the Trees team to our supporters to help raise awareness of our cause and spread our charitable message. We’ll reach out to you and ask you to participate, this could include creating/sharing content in a range of formats e.g. photos, videos, training diaries, quotes and more. Don’t worry we’ll help guide you on this.

If you have any queries please contact our Fundraising Manager, Ellie Davis, via