Whatever the Weather: Wind stoppers and sun blockers
Join our Learning Team for the 'Whatever the Weather' family trail around the arboretum this half term (between 12-14 February) to discover how trees survive in all sorts of weather, how trees can change the weather and what we are doing to prepare the arboretum for a changing climate.
In the 1800s Napoleon planted avenues of tall poplars along French roads to shade his marching armies. Although these armies may have disappeared, our use of trees for protection continues.

Today trees like hawthorn, sloe and holly are often used by farmers to protect livestock, crops and soil from the wind.
As well as protecting crops from physical damage, hedges also protect the soil, reducing water loss and soil erosion. This leads to an increase in crop yields. Trees also benefit farm animals - in one study cows that could shelter under trees were found to produce more milk.
You can find out more by visiting the Great Oak Hall to pick up a trail map and taking part in our free fun activities at the Learning Centre between 11am and 3pm, 12-14 February.
Useful links and information:
Take a look at the Plan Your Visit web pages for opening times, directions and more information.