Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Tree of the month: Walnut

Posted: December 29, 2024 at 08:00 am Author: Sam Roberts

January 2025 – Common Walnut (Juglans regia)

Each month we’re going to bring you a profile of one of the tree species being planted in the Silk Wood Community Planting Project. For the new year it’s the common walnut.

Thought to be introduced to the UK by the Romans, it’s now considered naturalised due to its widespread range and adaptation to the climate here.

Walnut leaves in summer

Walnut timber is often used for turnery and making veneer in furniture due to the beautiful wavy grain. The nuts are a popular food (you may have had some over the holidays) and even have a variety of medicinal uses - including reducing cholesterol and treating blood poisoning.

Walnut twig - Walnut sapling - Walnut tree

Walnut leaves produce an aromatic smell when gently stroked or crushed underfoot – why not give it a go by walking underneath one this winter? When the leaves fall, they leave a mark on the stalk – some say it looks like a smiley face, which is perfect for a bit of winter cheer in deep dark January!

Read our other Tree of the Month blogs...