Posted: April 11, 2018 at 16:14 pmAuthor:
Dan Crowley
What is tree of the month?
The winter hazels – the genus Corylopsis
Why is it tree of the month?
A genus of deciduous shrubs in the witch hazel family, the Hamamelidaceae, Corylopsis are quite superb in flower as winter (eventually) turns to spring. Pendulous chains of fragrant, yellow flowers are produced in abundance and their scent wafts through the arboretum in swathes at this time of year. They are represented here by four species currently: C. multiflora, C. pauciflora, C. sinensis and C. spicata.
The genus is made up of entirely Asian representatives.
Where can I find it?
Plants can be found dotted throughout the collection, both in the Old Arboretum and Silk Wood.