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Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

The Westonbirt Project: New Recruits!

Posted: June 18, 2012 at 11:15 am Author: Sophie Nash

Over the last few weeks we have recruited over 30 new volunteers!

Volunteers surveying the Downs

Some of the new recruits have already been out on the Downs in both sun and rain, working alongside Matt Parratt from Forest Research completing a baseline flora quadrat survey of the grasses and wildflowers.

They will be back out during early August to survey later season species. A blog written by one of the volunteers taking part will be posted here later this week.

We have also recruited new volunteers to survey the Downs for butterflies and bees. This new group plan to walk around the Downs during the summer in order to produce a species list. Fingers crossed for some warm summer days to encourage the butterflies and bees to come out!

New and existing volunteers will also be out from today until the end of July assisting a professional dry stone waller, who is restoring our dry stone ha-ha along Mitchell Drive.

By the end of July we will have restored and repaired over 500 metres of historic boundaries!

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More information about The Westonbirt Project