Last year's award-winning exhibitors are returning - must be Treefest!
Every year we give awards to a handful of Treefest exhibitors who represent high standards of sustainability, creativity and generally bring something special to Treefest.
It's always a tough choice, but great fun to meet all of our wonderful exhibitors and find out more about what they've got to offer. Each of the winners gets a certificate to show off in their stand as well as a lovely Westonbirt Maple tree.
Here's a round-up of 2014's winners. We are pleased to say that all of these exhibitors are returning this year, and I will be checking that their trees are still growing!
Best promotion of sustainable tree or wood product

Whiskey Barrel Rockers
This will be Robbie’s third year at Treefest and you can find him on Maple Avenue this year. He sells beautiful garden and patio furniture which is handmade in Scotland from decommissioned whiskey barrels.
Most inspiring and original use of wood

Ian Sanders
Ian has been exhibiting at Treefest for many years. You'll find him on Acer Avenue this year. Ian makes the most amazing tables which you can see him hand carving throughout event.
Best promotion of sustainable food source

Dick Willows Cider
Returning again this year within the Love Food Festival area is Dick Willows. Richard sells traditional, organic cider which is locally made.
Best Overall Exhibitor

Yew Turn
Ralph and Elke have been exhibiting at Treefest for 20 years and you will find them in the same spot that they have every year, on the corner of Maple Avenue A. Each year they have nonstop woodturning demonstrations. They also display high quality turnery and slate ware which are decorative yet functional, showing real warmth and beauty.