Keeping up to Date
Recently my volunteers and I have been recording potentially hazardous trees, unfortunately a number will have to be removed so I have provided a list and maps for the tree team.
After the recent work in Victory Glade, I have been busy updating my records. When the work is completely finished in the New Year I will get one of my volunteers to check the whole section. Armed with a map and lists, they will ensure that they match what is actually on the ground and let me know if any specimens need new labels.
It has been a busy time for commemorative trees, following the autumn visits and with Christmas coming up. We have also just put out 5 new benches in the arboretum, four of these are sponsored. For details of either scheme contact
The newly transcribed Mitchell Log Books that cover the period 1927 – 1950 created a certain amount of interest. These were transcriped by volunteer Peter Walker and checked by Carolyn Gilman. Peter has now started on the 5 planting books. I am expecting him today- to deliver the second and collect the third. A Mr Chapman from Bristol has brought in some photos of work at Westonbirt in the 1920s. His father worked as a contractor for Lord Morley extracting timber from Silkwood using horses or steam tractors. The tree team have an easier job with their current kit.
The collection library has finally been catalogued and numbered and the annual check is underway. Great to have Shirley an ex librarian as a volunteer to advise and help with this.
The tree team has started the next round of planting. I have to do the same. The trees are surveyed relative to existing trees and the information passed to me. Using this I can “plant” the tree on my digital map and then details such as the section and tree number, botanical name, year of planting and height. 100 done but now the cold and snow have stopped the process.
Talking of the cold a daily task is to deal with the data sent to me from the Met Office. They now run the weather station at Westonbirt and collect the data remotely. On Monday 6th Dec the temperature did not rise above -3.4C the coldest over night so far is -7.2C.