Name our new Magnolia
Be part of this exciting opportunity to name a magnolia tree at Westonbirt.
If you take a stroll down Specimen Avenue in early spring, you can’t fail to notice the stunning Magnolia hybrid Magnolia sprengeri × campbellii. This impressive tree has been growing for nearly 45 years, and is now a Champion Tree of the British Isles, and is an alluring sight for visitors whilst in flower.
However, we have recently been able to confirm that this is a new hybrid: Magnolia sprengeri × campbellii. This year we are going to register this outstanding Magnolia under a unique cultivar name, by which it will be known to the horticulture world and wider public.
We now need to choose and register a new cultivar name for this plant, and this is where we need your help. Our staff and volunteers have selected three names, and now we need your help to choose the best one:
Westonbirt Cerise Beauty
Westonbirt Prima Donna
Westonbirt Hope
The parents of this new hybrid are Magnolia campbellii and our spectacular Magnolia sprengeri var. sprengeri 'Westonbirt Diva'. Our former Propagator collected seeds from our famous Diva in 1970, and planted one of the resulting young plants near Specimen Avenue in 1975. Magnolias propagated by seed usually take quite a long time to mature to flowering age so it wasn’t until 10-15 years later when the flowers first appeared that it was obvious that the plant was a hybrid.
Which name will you choose?
Visit Forestry England’s Facebook page and vote in the poll to have your say in the name of our new magnolia.
We can't wait to find out which one you'll choose!