Silk Wood is a wonderful place to walk your dog! We love to see your latest photos from around the arboretum.
Blog - News
New website goes live
We’re very excited to announce the launch of our new website. We hope you’ll find it a useful source of information.
Don’t forget your card
Please don’t forget to bring your membership card when you visit the arboretum.
Refer a friend
Find out about our membership offer.
Sir Hereward Wake Bt, MC
Some of you may have seen in the press over Christmas that Sir Hereward Wake sadly died on 11 December.
In December 2017, we ran an online Membership Survey to find out how you’d prefer to hear from us.
Run for the trees
There’s still time to sign up as a fundraiser in the Westonbirt 10k!...
Get social
Get in touch with us on social media.
Retirement of Karen Thornton, Trustee
On 31 December 2017, Karen Thornton retired as a Trustee of the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum.
A moooving donation
We’re extremely grateful to Sarah Baillie, who is one of our volunteers, and the University of Bristol for the £4,000 donation we received in January.
When the Cows Come Home
We are delighted that we will once again be grazing our downland this winter. A neighbouring farmer will be bringing a small number of native rare breed Gloucester cattle to graze here for short periods over the winter.
Guess Who's Lost in the Deep Dark Wood
The sculpture of the Gruffalo in the Old Arboretum has always been a favourite with families.
Party Time at Westonbirt
Learning with Nature, Westonbirt’s learning partner, are introducing children’s parties and uniformed community group visits (such as Cubs and Guides) to the arboretum.
Mobility Shuttle's Maiden Journey
The new mobility shuttle made its maiden journey on Saturday 30 September.
A Bumper Year for Awards
It’s been a really exciting year for Westonbirt, as we see the culmination of many years of hard work and the fruits of your incredible support.
- Tree management (62)
- Visitor experience (45)
- Member communications (32)
- Events (184)
- Great Oak Hall (29)
- Community activities (71)
- Research trips (41)
- Botanical (174)
- Photography (3)
- History (18)
- Wildlife (15)
- Propagation (35)
- Volunteering (36)
- Learning (120)
- Landscape (59)
- Staff and trustees (66)
- Tree of the Month (80)
- Restoration (46)
- Crafts (26)
- Christmas (23)
- The Westonbirt Project (112)
- Health & wellbeing (40)
- Media Broadcasts (6)
- Work Experience (6)
- Seasonal (105)
- Westonbirt Restaurant (0)
- Westonbirt Arboretum Shop (14)
- Green Team (2)
- Appeals (3)
- Projects (33)
- Conservation (71)
- Education (61)
- Participation (77)
- Vision (7)
- Silk Wood Community Planting Project (32)
- Silk Wood (38)
- Chalara ash dieback (27)
- Old Arboretum (7)
- Coppicing (2)
- Autumn (95)
- Spring (77)
- Summer (30)
- Winter (21)