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Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Autumn leaf-art in the arboretum

Posted: October 26, 2012 at 14:41 pm

You may have read Simon Toomer's autumn colour blog this week.

As well as autumn colour on the trees, he wrote about the artwork created from fallen leaves that he had happened across in the arboretum. A group from Our Lady of the Rosary school, who visited earlier in the week, were responsible for the artwork and got in touch to share some more images of the work that the children created...

Leaf art Leaf art Leaf art Leaf art Leaf art Leaf art
"We went to Westonbirt Arboretum today as part of a whole school trip. We had a fabulous time even though the weather was not brilliant. Our year 2 class had looked at the work of Sculptor Andy Goldsworthy, collected natural materials in the woods and made their own sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We thought you would like to see some of their work (in case you have not spotted the sculptures in the woods.) I include just a few of our efforts -the children did this work all by themselves which we think is brilliant for such young children (majority aged just 6.) They were totally absorbed and could have spent much longer at your fabulous arboretum.
These are just a few pictures of the wonderful work the children did in such a short time.
Thank you for providing the backdrop to our art gallery."

(Maureen Hinchcliffe, helper on Mrs Abernethy’s class trip)

Maybe this work has inspired you to make your own leaf-art? Remember to only use leaves that have fallen from the trees - if they are still attached to the tree then it still needs them or isn't quite ready to let them go yet!

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