Tree of the Month - May 2018
What is tree of the month?
Enkianthus campanulatus

Why is it tree of the month?
Like many members of the heather family (Ericaceae), Enkianthus are spring time favourites. Most frequent among the genus at Westonbirt is E. campanulatus , renowned for its excellent display of bell-shaped flowers that lasts for a few weeks. Native to Japan, its flowers are creamy white, veined pale pink to deep red, or in some cases not at all.
Where can I find it?
Examples can be seen in the Old Arboretum and Silk Wood, particularly along Main Drive and Willesley Drive.

We currently grow three other species of Enkianthus, which are equally worth investigating. E. perulatus is another Japanese native, whose dainty, white flowers appear along with the new leaves. Examples can be found in the Old Arboretum. E. chinensis is native to parts of China and Myanmar and plants along Main Drive flower at the same time as E. campanulatus . The Chinese E. deflexus does likewise, growing close to specimens of E. campanulatus along Willesley Drive in Silk Wood.
Head over to the arboretum to find these stunning members of the heather family on your next visit.