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Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum

Don't just take our word for it!

Posted: January 5, 2015 at 20:49 pm Author: Claire Goulding

The role of the Community Inclusion team is to enable a greater number of people from under-represented groups to experience the arboretum and to connect with trees. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund Community Inclusion Officer, Claire Goulding, is working with older and vulnerable adults at risk of exclusion because of social isolation, lack of transport and mental health conditions.

We did some great work with a wide range of groups throughout 2014. But don't just take our word for it! Here are some lovely words from participants and organisers of just some of the visits and outreach activities...

“The group were able to revisit areas of their childhood. Coming together and being at one with nature having the opportunity to take their time and take in Westonbirt.”

Nature Printing Facilitated Visit 2014, Charlotte Galling, Community Development Officer, Stroud District Council

“The activity got residents talking to each other (which is a hard thing to do!) and has also been a talking point since. Everyone enjoyed the visit and found it interesting, improving their wellbeing in general.”

Outreach session 2014. Katherine Davis, Activity Coordinator Ashley House BUPA Care Home

“I came with my husband and he loved the forest and he loved talking to the chaps that worked there.”

Mary, 79 years old , Withywood Alzheimer’s Society Memory Cafe Support Group

“Very impressed with the session - thought it was a great idea to 'bring the trees' to the residents for generating discussion and provoking memories”

Relative visiting father at Ilsom House Elderly Care Home

“Wonderful contrast to today’s hectic world – instant, effortless meditation”

Amanda, 52 years old, Stroud District Council Older People Arts Group

“I have realised that being in touch with nature helps me a lot. I always knew that but coming here has just confirmed it”

Karina, 28 years old, Nelson Trust Women's Service

"There is so much we can gain from time spent at the arboretum and this latest programme has undoubtedly had a positive impact on our client’s health and well- being. Our thanks go to Claire and the team at Westonbirt for giving us the opportunity, for having endless patience, encouragement and a vast array of resources to inspire and educate!"

Beanie Cooke, Horticultural Therapist from Women's Service, Nelson Trust

Find out more about our Community Inclusion Programme...