The complete Treefest music line-up
The 4014 Project brought fantastic musical variety and talent to Treefest in 2011. They'll be returning this year to work their magic, sourcing the best local local singers and musicians - Jon Ponting from 4014 shares some of what they'll be bringing to this year's festival.

With more than thirty sets scheduled on the 2012 Treefest music stage, we’re bringing you a fantastically varied mix of talents over the three days, while keeping to our remit of melodious, local folk and acoustic artists.
Highlights include The Roving Crows who have not one but two Irish Music Awards for their original Celtic foot-stomping sound. The awards might be Irish, but the Crows are most definitely Gloucester based.
We’ve got a large selection of soloists including Gaz Brookfield whose tales from his Westcountry exploits and incredibly catchy and real; the Lonely Tourist is a Bristol based Glaswegian who you may have heard on Radio 2 or 6Music in recent months.
For those of you who enjoyed the music last year, we’ve asked a handful of artists to come back for a second year. These repeaters include the Grubby Jack trio with their distinctive folky roots sound; Talis Kimberley performed her bizarre and wondrous tales last year, she’ll be back with her full band; the Swindon based Bateleurs are coming back to Treefest – with an additional band member and new EP to share with you.
We’re also mixing in some Americana and country sounds with the likes of Tetbury’s Heather Bristow, Blind River Scare and Somerset’s very own Southern Folk duo.
But we’re not stopping there- we want to showcase a couple of more unique sounds, such as the rare acoustic metal sound of Bristol’s Oxygen Thief, and the bizarre-yet-perfectly matched Cirencester duo of world folk guitarist Dylan Qioniwasa and local rap artist Pep “SneakZ” Bell.
And that’s about as close to my 300 word limit as I’m going to go – but if you want to see the complete Treefest musical line-up for 2012, complete with timings, pictures, weblinks and descriptions, go onto and click on the Treefest links.
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