Calling all Treefest-goers!
Treefest is Westonbirt Arboretum’s signature summer event (25 – 27 August 2012) celebrating the best of trees and nature with crafts, woodland skills, family activities, food and music. Keep your eye on the Treefest blogs to find out how our plans for this year’s festival are progressing.

Treefest is a unique opportunity for people of all ages to discover the world of trees and wood, have fun and learn from others. It is Westonbirt Arboretum’s annual woody extravaganza!

Last year’s event saw the introduction of many new features aimed at making Treefest more interactive and family-friendly. Judging from people’s feedback we got most things right. This year we will be building on that success as well as making more improvements suggested by you.

The popular Working Woodlands area will be better than ever with a steam-driven sawmill to add to the demonstrations of woodland crafts.

The Food Hall has more exhibitors and includes food producers and cooking demonstrations by local celebrity chefs.

Many of you enjoyed the live music tent in 2011 and this year it’s back with more sessions to enjoy later into the summer’s evening.

As always, trees and wood lie at the heart of the event and I’m especially pleased that big tree carving is back. Better still, three of the sculptures will remain at the arboretum as part of the play trail in Silk Wood. Look out for them later in the autumn.
Make sure you visit the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum tent at Treefest. As well as finding out more about the work they do to make sure the arboretum is supported, cared for and enjoyed, you and your family can use the Tree of Dreams to share your dreams for the coming year and help support the Friends charity.
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