Treefest: our new-look festival
I hope you enjoy our new-look festival this year. Treefest is the latest incarnation of an event the Forestry Commission has been running at Westonbirt for many years.
The aim has always been to appeal to everyone interested in trees and their uses and this year’s event is more diverse than ever. Features such as medieval longbow archery, live music and camping will give Treefest a fresh new feel while the traditional focus of woodworking and crafts remains as strong as ever.

This year, we also have an exciting opportunity to celebrate the UN International Year of Forests. How we all use wood and other forest products in our everyday lives can have a major influence on the wellbeing of the world’s trees and forest ecosystems and here at Westonbirt we want to help people understand that relationship. Throughout the weekend, the Great Oak Hall will become an interactive learning centre where children and adults alike can learn while having fun.

After 17 years as our main event partner, the charity Tree Aid has decided the time has come to go its separate way and we wish them well in their important work in Africa. The big tree carving that has proved a popular part of previous years’ events will continue at Treefest, on a smaller scale but with the same incredible skill and talent.
Many thanks for your continuing support for Westonbirt, The National Arboretum.